The Given Self website is coming!
There’s snow on the ground this morning – or at least I think it’s snow. It’s little more than a frost, but the street is white with it. I saw the white street before I saw the white path to the woods, which is a little unusual. I’m sharing morning care of our grandson with Donny since his mom went back to work Monday. After the first day, we negotiated, he and I. We made a cooperative agreement that allows for me to still get my quiet hours (at least most days). Today isn’t one of them. That’s why I was in the front of the house rather than in the rear. I like it as a metaphor. The front of the house is the more social side; the back the more private.
I’m starting to work on getting a website posted for The Given Self. I’m trying to do it cheaply. I’ve been frustrated with my web designer because she hasn’t been getting back to me about changes to the Course of Love site. Once again, all I needed to do was get her on the phone to work it out. So we made agreements too.
Who knew such things could work? I’d all but forgotten. You talk to people. You say what you need. You come to agreements. Amazing.
These agreements of how we spend our time – that’s basically what they are – turn out to shape the fabric of our days. Like it says in A Course in Miracles and A Course of Love, all that’s needed is willingness. I’m not sure how to proceed when willingness isn’t there (or I can’t get someone on the phone – whichever the case may be). I’m still not sure how to work with stubbornness or people who balk at everything you say, or want to negotiate everything. I think that’s how I fell away from it…getting tired of it.
Sometimes I want to just make up my mind and run with it. There are areas of life where this is necessary, and they’re in those little sections of our lives, those hours of protected time, when our space is our space. Where we’re not up for grabs. Where we’re not dependent on any relationships but our own with ourselves, or with God, or with the muse.
This is a lot of what The Given Self is about.
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